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Thursday, September 1, 2011

What is it that we see.

 What is it that we are really living for? Why must it seem like the mediocrity of life and the worldly pleasures are the only thing we can find that can suffice the yearning inside of our souls? We chase the dream as the mirage of water upon the hot desert road. We chase it until our legs are weak and our thirst grips us into the abyss of false hopes and reality that was only a mere image that strips us of our dignity and self worth. Why can't we see.
 I realize more and more each day of how little I know about myself or what I want. I cry over the tragedies or life and scold God for supposedly his wrong doing to me, but really I am my own worst enemy. I am the road block that holds me back and I am the blindfold that hinders my sight. The reality of it all is that MY idea was nothing more than a pipe dream and fairytales made up from what the mass media told me I should be. Be married, have kids, make money and make sure YOUR okay. Is that really all there is to life? Will I subject myself to the vain pursuit of happiness anymore? The reality is there is more to it than that. There is more to it that is imaginable! Why is it so hard to see that?
  I overheard someone one day talking about this study that was done with moths. What they did is put moths into a jar for a certain amount of time and closed the lid. after they waited a reasonable amount of time they opened the jar to let the moths free. What they noticed is that the moths would not leave the jar, even if the lid was open, because they were stuck in the jar for so long they had no idea that there was anything eles than that jar anymore. It baffled me when I heard that because we are no different than those moths. The doors of freedom from ourselves are opened wide to us but since we can't comprehend it or imagine it we stay in our own worlds...never really getting to enjoy the blessings of life or to seek to new horizons. If I only know one thing it is this. The possibilities are endless!  The world and spirituality of it all makes it all worth living for! Makes all the sorrows and heartache nothing more than a stepping stone towards growth and towards true happiness! It exists and it is real, just believe and never say never. Never say "well this is who I am and I can't change" because all your doing is hindering your growth. Anything is possible. Never forget to dream. I Love You all have a great night and please don't just reach high, reach infinitely into the stars among the stars and to sights beyond sights. It's all there waiting for it to be discovered. :) Good Night and God Bless.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Finally New Pictures!

Hey! It's been a while! Had a lot go on this past month. Well here are dome recent pics that I have. :) I've noticed that i'm starting to get into a vintage kind of photography, so I think I'll start reading up about the 60's and 70's so I can get a real idea of how it was and even how the photography was. Well hoe you like the new pictures!

 "Wishful thinking to the unknown heart" (picture up top)
 "a lost and found to the seekers"
 "on the fence"
 "Hi, you don't understand"

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Hey!!! So I disappeared for a bit but I will be blogging again soon! (if anyone actually goes on this) : )

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Don't hate! Appreciate! :)

Hello! it's definitely been a while since my last post (laziness got the better of me) but all I can say is I am on this path and by no means is it easy! I've been going through a lot of things to discover myself and my spirituality. Last night me and my boyfriend were watching a movie called Fall from Grace where you see the source of why most Christians get a bad rep, even if they are genuine about their faith. It saddens me to see so called "Christians" have so much hate in their heart and have no understanding of what the word of god really means. I am quite new to the bible but I have learned a lot from what I have read and feel that god is horribly misunderstood. The amount of believers are getting smaller and smaller because people see these hateful "Christians" that hold up these signs and call people that aren't like them names and just beat them down. These "Christians" want to almost kill people as well! It's insane! As a Christian I can't get mad at them or even protest against them.Hate against hate just equals to more hate. The cycle has to be broken somewhere or we will never learn. All I can do is pray for them. It's not my place, and considering that I'm not Jesus, fighting like that would only make me a hypocrite.
    "God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs. God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted. God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth. God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied. God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy. God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see god. god blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of god.God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs." Matthew 5:3-10

Thursday, May 19, 2011


here's some new stuff I've been working on :)
 This picture is an outlook on a subject in an aspect that we don't get to see often. It is a moment captured that, as humans, we can study and actually see what is really going on. It gives us a moment to be comfortable with staring and actually capturing the image in out heads.
 This picture I tried to put an older vibe to it. It's a flashback to a simpler time and just seems as a mere memory that we never had.
I like this picture because of the detail and the beauty of this creature. This is a moment to where humans and animals can get closer and get more personal with a subject.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


       Life...such a delicate and beautiful thing. What a masterpiece that god made. All the good and even the bad combined to create such a beautiful and breathtaking paining upon his canvas.  It's images like this that give me hope in the world and to help me believe that innocense does still exists. It is a rare thing, but still living and well in society today. Hope is not an easy thing to keep though. There are plenty of times I feel hopeless and jus want to give up on the world, but I have god always lifting me up and showing me that faith will never die and every good deed never goes unnoticed. I definately have god to thank for building my life up to what it is today. He showed me love and helped me believe more in myself than I ever could image. I've learned that the only thing keeping people back from their dreams is themselves and the fear that they built up in their souls. Fear only eats away at the core and kills hope until there is no more. It is merely a battle between good and evil and the brain is what can sway it whichever way you choose. We are not faithless and life is nothing more than training for what awaits for us after we have left this world. For there is no such thing as death, it's only the soul going home.
